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Numéro d'article ADI #:CWSO-RR-W1 Modèle #: CWSO-RR-W1 Nom: KAC CWSO-RR-W1 Red Body Deep Base Sounder
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
KAC's conventional ENscape sounder is a high quality device designed to alert building occupants of an emergency. The product features a new folded horn design which provides outstanding sound output at low current draw. With its modern design, global tone set and extensive installer-friendly features, the ENscape sounder is the logical choice for specifiers, OEMs, installers and distributors.
Main Features
Two stage sounders enable alert and alarm sequences to be set for phased evacuation
First fix capability allowing electrical continuity testing prior to device fitting
Positive fit engagement & feedback of base with device for easy installation
Categorie : Appareils de notification d'incendie, Diffuseurs sonores, Incendie, Produits