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Numéro d'article ADI #:XPEXPLUSBL-34 Modèle #: XPEXPLUSBL-34 Nom: Milestone XPEXPLUSBL-34 XProtect Express Plus Series, Base Server Software License BL-34
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
Main Features
With full alarm management capabilitie s and multi-layered map XProtect Express is suited for business with light live monitoring needs
It can manage up to 48 surveillance cameras and supports simple ways of incorporating video into existing business operations, such as linking access cont rol to live video feeds
XProtect Express+ is the perfect match for retail shops, parking lots or office buildings with moderate security needs.
Categorie : Licences de logiciels, Logiciels et licences, Produits, Vidéosurveillance