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Numéro d'article ADI #:BGR-01 Modèle #: BGR-01 Nom: Optex BGR-01 BH Series, Ricochet Wireless Transmitter for PIR Detectors
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
OPTEX outdoor sensors compatible with the Ricochet enabled BGR01wireless module
The BGR-01 module can be purchased separately and integrated with all OPTEX outdoor battery-operated sensors listed below. For full functionality, it is recommended to install two BGR-01 per active infrared beam set, one for the transmitter and one for the receiver. Please note that two modules are necessary for the infrared beams, one for the transmitter and one for the receiver.
Categorie : Détecteurs de fumée à faisceau, Dispositifs de détection d'incendie, Incendie, Produits