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Numéro d'article ADI #:ORION4 Modèle #: ORION4 Nom: TEF ORION4 4-Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The ORION conventional control panel range offers a creatively designed and visually pleasing solution for smaller cost-conscious projects demanding simplicity of operation. Versions available include 2, 4 and 8 zone panels and two styles of repeater.
The outstanding programmable features included in this panel range contradict the facilities commonly available in this type of panel and include: programmable time delay by zone, Day/Night mode, selectable non-latching zones and coincidence detection.
Operation is extremely intuitive, offering simple control and one-button disablement facilities, as well as the one man test mode which provides simple and efficient testing of the system.
Advanced configuration solutions include the following: a dedicated RS232 communication interface allowing connection of up to 4 remote repeater panels, addressable loop interface modules and multiplexed zonal output relays; giving one of the most highly advanced levels of system integration and compatibility existing on the market at this level.