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Numéro d'article ADI #:SOL-LX-C-RF-W-S Modèle #: SOL-LX-C-RF-W-S Nom: Bosch SOL-LX-C-RF-W-S Red-flash beacon ceiling, shallow, Flitslicht, Plafond C-3-7.5, Lage Sokkel IP33, , White
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The LX Beacons are signaling devices for optical alarm.
The device has a unique lens design to achieve the required illumination specified by EN54-23. The flash rate as well as a reduced coverage volume can be set via DIP switch.
The ceiling device distributes the light in a cylindrical shape, the wall device in a cubical shape.The device is designed for a variety of applications.
Categorie : Appareils de notification d'incendie, Incendie, Produits, Stroboscopes à sirène